Ersin Altin is a designer, researcher, and educator.

Ersin earned his master’s degree in History and Theory of Architecture and completed his doctoral studies in the Urban Systems, joint Ph.D. program of New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers University. 

Ersin's work is situated at the intersection of urban studies, history, and digital technologies. His research focuses on everyday life in the late Ottoman period with an emphasis on the changes in the perception of the body, home, and the city through historical analysis of the material world. 

Ersin is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of History of Art and Design at Pratt Institute. He also teaches history/theory survey courses and design studio courses at New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers University.

Ersin develops art/design projects for international shows. His work was on display at 4th Istanbul Design Biennial, Luma-Arles and C-Mine respectively. He participated in the International Visitors Programme, organized by Het Nieuwe Instituut and Creative Industries Fund NL in  late 2018. Besides his academic and design studies, he writes for the popular design, history, and theory blog Manifold

Ersin worked as an editor of Istanbul-based leading  architecture and design magazine Arredamento Mimarlik from 2002 to 2006. Prior to his editorial job, Ersin practiced architecture and interior design specializing on storefronts and interiors of fashion stores and boutiques.